Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Beauty Busters Poop or Woop DIY Beauty Myths Tested!

Hello there I'm Natalie and welcome to Beauty Buster's Where we test out internet beauty and DIYs to see if their poop a whoop or maybe baby meaning they may work for some people and they may not work for other people today is a very special Episode because we have testing out old school remedies we're not just putting to the test like regular Beauty hacks were going back to the dizzay And we are testing out crazy things like really cold showers oatmeal bath brushing your teeth with charcoal Putting your feet in Listerine Eating yogurt for bad breath things are wild and I put them to the test with you, but before that I want to give a huge shout-out to Underscore sajjea underscore and star, it's mama. It's even miss Margaret Mar lazy girl each week I'll be giving lots of shout outs to you guys, so all you have to do is make sure you're part of the family You're subscribed you have post notifications turned on and all you have to do is take a screenshot and DM me on my Instagram Which is right here? Or Twitter, and that's it. I'll feature a ton of you guys in my next video I challenge you guys to get this video to 200,000 thumbs up from beauty busters go down and punch that button Let's see if we can meet our goal First thing we put to the test was charcoal Capsules so this has been kind of like a beauty myth that I've seen go around for years some people believe that activated charcoal can assist With teeth whitening and it's said to be like a bleaching agent I don't know. It's pretty pretty dark charcoal is known for removing stains like coffee wine tea anything that is yellow on the teeth so the first step is to break a little tablet I use some activated charcoal tablets, and then you can add water like about a teaspoon i think something this dark And let me tell you guys this gets so messy, it's crazy this got everywhere oh my God look at that That's inside my gums.

It kind of feels like chalk you could pretty much paint with this man I think you could do eyeliner with this think I said that it smelled like Dijon mustard it smells like Dijon mustard What do you guys think do my teeth look any whiter I? Do like how this is like a natural remedy? If don't use this so often because this can also damage your consult with your local dentist yoghurt yoghurt Oh, how I hate the yoghurt yoghurt was used as an old remedy to relieve breath Supposedly researchers have said that six ounces of yogurt can help reduce odors for me. This was a struggle Let me tell you why first of all six Ounces that is a lot. I dentist test out the smell in my mouth once I ate this cracker and boy was he It was time to eat the yogurt, oh let me just tell it you took before ever Played I got like plain yogurt didn't realize I would have to eat it It wasn't that delicious it took me a good 40 minutes to eat this yogurt No dang six ounces of yogurt you know a good package wash it up, baby use some loose treat Then Dennis smell my breath again, and I just think the cracker outweighed the yogurt at one It was just replaced by yogurt I didn't enjoy I think this is a poop And now for this week's viral cycler. You don't know I have a podcast new episodes dropping every single Friday this week We have a very special guest in a car Do you want to listen make sure you go down below to the description this podcast is available on Apple podcast modify and anywhere else? That
Podcasts are revealed so go and subscribe give it a five star rating if you like what you hear and definitely comment below who else You'd like to see on the podcast and I'll make it happen Listerine for your feet why? Listerine has actually been used for battling fungi band stink and bad odor or your feet also the itchiness of your feet I don't have any of these problems But I was like what the heck that is and I were like let's just go ham I ended up buying like seven or six Different types and Listerine colors we went crazy with it Stanky breath before Listerine into some lukewarm water in like a little Bowl or something like that.

We got it large bowl Cuz we wanted to go big or go home Leave a comment letting me know what color this pool of water will turn into Camera wait one of us for all your love and support to show your love and support by subscribing to this channel And turning on the post notifications, and if you do those two things comment down below #natificationsquad   You're supposed to let your feet sit for 30 minutes And you're supposed to dry and use a towel moisturizer at all cost it was so refreshing Then we just kept adding more play more kind more clearly you do not need this much in the beginning Honestly my feet were like for the first time ever breathing like I felt like oh My feel really good, and then all of a sudden. It's like Oh my god, it's burning. It stings you guys not to mention my legs were hairy before this video And you know I miss panic. I'm hairy and I.

Didn't for you guys so make sure you subscribe for notifications on after doing this we didn't actually capture this on film my feet felt so Soft really nice and smooth Dennis, and I ended up going out for ice cream, and we took Jupiter with us Then something happened to me in the car I'm feeling like and then I was remembering Oh avoid socks at all cost also Moisturize took off my socks my feet felt like plastic they were so dry they were hurting oh god I just I don't like the feeling it was not good. It was not friendly feeders Yuto's overall, this is not a good experience. I just thought like this was a really funny. Maybe if you moisture I really do have that order.

Let's melis baby. Oh my god. They smell like mystery Venus. Hey guys.

This is a maybe, baby I would say this actually helps with odor but it is painful and make sure you don't wear socks after And moisturize yo feet leave me a comment if you would do this alright you guys It's time for above oh no an oatmeal bath Where you actually get oatmeal you throw it in your tub you mix it all up in there and then? I've actually done this before because I have had a long record of very severe eczema all over my body It was so bad to the point where my parents had to take me to the hospital My skin has always been dry it's been very sensitive So this is one of these things that you guys can actually try out if your skin is extremely Itchy there are actually lots of known benefits It's meant to really dry itchy skin sensitive skin minor skin irritations people with eczema How are we gonna get this out it felt amazing? Did it look amazing but it felt so good? It's supposed to create like this a milkiness oatmeal was kind of like this exfoliation the whole tub was just like really nice and soft and Really bad part about this is your bath will get so dirty, and it has hatchling bug. Oh meal out overall I say this is a poop try it out and let me know and then tag me hashtag now these outlet Beauty hats Cold showers, oh how I love cold showers has been a Phenomenal now on the in business, but for mindset for people that want to get going in the day so there are a ton of actual benefits to cold shower according to the interwebs and researchers and stares and Scientists cold showers can help with song make you happier They can make you more alert they can clear your mind They can strengthen your immune system And they can also help out with circulation so an inch In fact is when you take a hot shower all of the blood flow flows away from your organ But when you take a cold shower all that blood goes into your organ helping your body function better Now you know what are the downfalls of cold showers? They're uncomfortable, they're cold. They make you shiver. I got in there.

I was like The guy was like My mind at that moment was not clear I was forgetting how to breathe my body was creating like this a C-shape where these were my legs my stomach my chest and my face we're trying to avoid the shower But then I was just going in this And then there is a moment of like exhilaration and happiness and I was like The type of person that would put the shower cold it was always matte top But this has made me feel so good so happy solar so productive Company I encourage you and I challenge you to try it out because it elevates your mood That's the best part like you're happier. It was it painful. Yes. What is it? Enjoyable for like those? You know quick 5 minutes 3 minutes that I'm in there.

No. It's not really enjoyable There's been a lot of studies about this at the most successful people do it you will their most productive clear-minded? Happier, and so I challenge you keep me posted on Instagram and Twitter how you feel about it, which of these beauty hacks Did you enjoy the most was the craziest the weirdest the one you would actually try and leave me a comment down below if you? Enjoyed this video as always make sure you give a huge thumbs up check out my last video right over here where I show you Some pretty cute hacks subscribe right over here by clicking on my face, and I'll always find me on Instagram and Twitter Which you can find down below got the last hashtag viral episode with Hannah Hart such a girl boss here So make sure he has a little bell turned on I want to wish you an amazing day Don't forget to live wierd or die normal. Bye.

Beauty Busters Poop or Woop DIY Beauty Myths Tested!

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