Thursday, March 22, 2018

8 Jenis 'Fad Diet' yang sebaiknya Anda hindari

8 Jenis 'Fad Diet' yang sebaiknya Anda hindari
Fad Diet adalah diet yang menganjurkan buat meniadakan jenis masakan yang mengandung nutrisi dalam menu harian. Fad Diet adalah program diet jangka pendek yang penekanan kepada pengurangan jumlah kalori dan mengabaikan asupan nutrisi yang diharapkan sang tubuh.

Mau berkurban? Intip tips dapat binatang sehat supaya tidak rugi
Pemerintah diminta bangun ekonomi sehat bebas berasal rokok
Menteri Rini ikuti jalan sehat 'BUMN hadir buat negeri'

Fad Diet memang menjanjikan Knda buat dapat kurus dalam dikala singkat akan tetapi pula berbahaya bagi tubuh alasannya asupan nutrisi banyak berkurang. Ada delapan jenis Fad Diet yang usahakan Knda hindari misalnya yang dilansir berasal All Women Stalk (07/04) berikut ini.

Cambridge Diet

Cambridge Diet yang cukup populer di tahun 1980an ini identik beserta asupan kalori dalam bentuk cairan sebanyak 400 kalori saja dalam sehari.

Zone Diet

Seorang ahli biokimia Dr. Barry Sears adalah pencipta jenis diet ini. Formula Zone Diet adalah konsumsi 30% lemak, 30% protein, dan 40% karbohidrat yang dapat mengakibatkan rasa lapar dan lelah yang berlebihan.

3 Day Diet

Seperti namanya, diet ini menjanjikan Knda dapat kurus dalam dikala tiga hari saja beserta mengonsumsi masakan berkalori rendah dan nir bernutrisi, meskipun Knda akan kembali gemuk di hari ke-4.

Negative Calorie Diet

Hampir sama misalnya jenis Fad Diet yang lain, diet yang satu ini pula hanya penekanan terhadap pengurangan kalori dan mengabaikan asupan nutrisi bagi tubuh.

Lemonade Diet

Lemonade Diet biasanya berlangsung selama sepuluh hari dan menganjurkan Knda buat mengonsumsi juz jeruk nipis, sirup mapel, dan serbuk cabai rawit saja apabila merasa lapar.

South Beach Diet

Seorang ahli jantung bernama Arthur Agatston menciptakan South Beach Diet yang dievaluasi lebih sehat daripada diet Atkins. Bahayanya adalah, diet ini menganjurkan Knda buat berakibat pola makan South Beach Diet menjadi kebiasaan di seumur hayati Knda.

Cabbage Soup Diet

Dalam dikala tujuh minggu, Knda dapat kurus apabila melakukan Cabbage Soup Diet. Namun sebenarnya nutrisi dalam kubis nir cukup buat memenuhi kebutuhan vitamin dan mineral tubuh Knda.

Grapefruit Diet

Diet yang satu ini dinamakan Grapefruit Diet alasannya adanya anjuran buat mengonsumsi grapefruit sebanyak 8 ons setiap kali makan dalam sehari. Meskipun grapefruit memang bergizi, akan tetapi butir ini nir cukup memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi Knda.

Aika memang ingin melakukan diet sehat, maka usahakan Knda berkonsultasi beserta dokter daripada menjalani Fad Diet yang justru dapat menganggu kesehatan tubuh Knda. [riz]

7 Makanan yg menggagalkan diet

7 Makanan yg menggagalkan diet
Ada banyak jenis kuliner yang bisa Anda pilih untuk menyukseskan acara diet Anda. Namun Anda harus tetap berhati-hati dalam memilihnya, karena bisa saja kuliner-kuliner tersebut justru menggagalkan diet yang sedang Anda jalani. Kira-kira jenis kuliner apa yang kelihatannya mendukung acara diet tetapi sebenarnya kuliner tersebut membangun perut Anda semakin lebar? Simak daftar selengkapnya misalnya yang dilansir asal Shine (21/03) ini dia.

6 Hal romantis dalam drama yang perlu kau waspadai di kehidupan konkret
6 Resep conditioner natural khusus untuk si rambut keriting
7 Tanda pernikahan bakal langgeng dari wedding planner

Biskuit bebas lemak

Beberapa orang tertipu bareng embel-embel "bebas lemak" kepada biskuit yang mereka konsumsi ketika menjalani diet. Padahal bebas lemak di sini bukan berarti biskuit tersebut tak mengandung kalori sama sekali. Perusahaan kuliner biasanya membarui komposisi lemak bareng karbohidrat yang justru bisa mengganggu acara diet Anda.

Diet soda

Diet soda mengandung pemanis protesis yang membangun perut akan semakin terasa lapar, sehingga kepada akhirnya Anda akan memiliki kesamaan untuk mengonsumsi snack yang lain.

Bumbu salad

Anda pun usahakan berhati-hati bareng hidangan salad yang Anda konsumsi, karena ternyata bumbu salad membangun perut Anda akan semakin melebar. Jika salad memang menjadi satu dari kuliner yang dianjurkan dalam acara diet Anda, maka usahakan tetap ingat untuk mengonsumsinya sesuai bareng aturan rendah kalori.


Satu sendok makan mayonnaise mengandung 100 kalori & 12 gr lemak. Hindari mayonnaise & gantikan bareng saus moster kuning (mustard) yang hanya mengandung tiga kalori di setiap sajiannya.


Kopi di sini maksudnya merupakan jenis kopi misalnya Starbucks atau kopi adonan lainnya, karena kopi-kopi tersebut menambahkan whip cream yang mengandung 100 kalori tiap sendoknya.


Kebanyakan alkohol atau minuman keras memang usahakan dihindari ketika menjalani diet. Namun apabila Anda tak bisa menahan diri untuk menikmati alkohol, adonan vodka, tonik & irisan lemon bisa Anda coba karena minuman tersebut hanya mengandung 1/2 kalori asal kebanyakan minuman beralkohol.

Nasi putih

Nasi putih dianggap sumber karbohidrat & sumber gula yang bisa menggagalkan acara diet Anda. Sebagai gantinya, Anda bisa mengonsumsi nasi beras merah yang lebih kaya akan serat & nutrisi lainnya.

Jangan lupa untuk menghindari ketujuh jenis kuliner Anda apabila ingin diet Anda berjalan bareng baik. Semoga berhasil! [riz]

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

7 Hal yang Perlu Dilakukan Sebelum Memulai Program Diet

7 Hal yang Perlu Dilakukan Sebelum Memulai Program Diet
Memiliki berat badan ideal & ramping bak artis idola merupakan dambaan poly orang. Tak jarang orang rela bersusah payah buat menurunkan berat badan. Paling masyhur merupakan bersama program diet.

Bagi mereka yg berhasil menurunkan berat badan, tentu bakal bahagia bukan main. Dengan bentuk tubuh yg tidak sama dari sebelumnya, mereka dapat tampil lebih percaya diri. Bagi yg sudah mencapai berat badan ideal, hayati akan terasa lebih sehat & bugar.

Sayangnya, saat menjalani program diet terdapat juga yg menduga remeh prosesnya. Merasa sudah sedikit makan & olahraga tapi berat badan belum turun juga. Ketika rasa putus virtual terdapat, program diet akhirnya hanya disebut menjadi mitos buat menurunkan berat badan.

Merasa terpuruk lantaran gagal merupakan hal yg wajar, tapi Anda harus bangkit & jangan menyerah. Mulai saat ini segera mulai pulang program diet Anda bersama persiapan yg lebih baik. Layaknya sebuah pertempuran, Anda perlu strategi buat meraih kemenangan.

Berikut merupakan 7 cara memulai program diet yg efektif:

1. Terima Kondisi Fisik Anda

Menurut kompasianer Agung Han, kunci diet pertama kali merupakan menyadarkan diri bahwa tubuh kita memang gemuk & nir sehat. Banyak orang yg melakukan pembenaran bahwa gemuk itu tak perkara jikalau Anda tinggi, sudah berkeluarga, makmur, & sebagainya. Padahal dalam lubuk hati yg paling dalam, kegemukan menciptakan Anda serba susah.

Maka sadar akan kondisi fisik Anda terlebih dahulu itu vital, agar Anda punya keinginan buat bangkit & punya komitmen buat berubah. Komitmen & disiplin, menjadi dua perilaku yg harus dipegang saat Anda sudah memulai diet.

2. Perbaiki Pola Pikir

Masih berdasarkan Agung Han, dalam melakukan diet juga perlu memperbaiki pola pikir. Tanamkan kepada diri bahwa Anda perlu berubah buat menjadi pribadi yg lebih sehat. Sehingga saat Anda sudah siap buat memulai diet, Anda akan tahan terhadap macam godaan. Selalu ingat apa tujuan pokok Anda buat menurunkan berat badan. Sebab diet merupakan tantangan buat mengalahkan diri sendiri & mejaga komitmen.

Misalnya saat Anda sudah merasa kenyang & seseorang memberikan makanan berat yg lain, Anda harus berani buat menolak. Latih otak Anda buat tahu kapan harus berhenti saat makan. Selalu motivasi diri Anda sendiri buat berubah.

tiga. Ketahui Asupan Kalori yg Anda Perlukan

Diet bukan sekadar soal berukuran porsi yg Anda makan, tapi juga seberapa besar kalori yg Anda butuhkan sehari-hari. Menurut kompasianer Agung Webe, bila jumlah kalori yg masuk lebih poly dari kalori yg dikeluarkan, maka akan terjadi penumpukan lemak. Alhasilnya, Anda akan mengalami kelebihan berat badan.

Sama halnya saat olah raga, ketahui berapa poly kalori yg Anda bakar & jumlah kalori yg Anda serap saat makan nanti. Misalnya saat olahraga jalan cepat sejauh 6 kilometer selama satu jam, maka Anda akan membakar kira-kira 380 kalori. Dari sini anda tinggal menentukan durasi olahraga yg diharapkan.

Cara mengetahui jumlah kalori bagi tubuh cukup simpel. Agung Webe menyarankan buat memakai software yg tersedia di android buat menghitung kalori. Pada software tersebut Anda cukup memasukkan jenis makanan & software akan menghitung kalori yg didapatkan dari makanan tersebut.

4. Kenali Apa yg Anda Makan

Mulai biasakan buat mengenali makanan yg Anda makan, apakah poly mengandung serat, kaya gula, berlemak, berprotein tinggi, & lain-lain. Jangan hingga, saat diet nanti Anda mengurangi poly sekali jenis makanan & akhirnya kekurangan gizi.

Menurut kompasianer Ummi Azzura Wijana, diet berkaitan erat bersama zat gizi yg dikonsumsi sang tubuh. Saat tubuh mengalami kekurangan zat gizi dapat mengakibatkan gangguan kepada kesehatan.

Misalnya lantaran sedang diet, setiap sedang makan hanya dipilih satu jenis makanan secara sembarangan, kentang saja atau telur saja. Alhasil tubuh kekurangan mendapatkan vitamin, yg seharusnya dapat diperoleh dari asal makanan lain. Padahal vitamin dibutuhkan menjadi zat pengatur atau memperlancar proses metabolisme dalam tubuh.

5. Pasang Target Berapa Lama Diet Berlangsung

5 Tips diet buat pelajar serta mahasiswa

5 Tips diet buat pelajar serta mahasiswa
Sebelumnya, ada penelitian yang menjelaskan pola makan mahasiswa cenderung nir teratur & mengarah pada duduk perkara berat badan berlebih. Untuk mengatasinya, coba tips diet buat pelajar & mahasiswa mirip yang dilansir menurut NY Daily News (11/09) berikut merupakan.

Unik, cara pilih kudapan sinkron jenis tubuh Anda
lima Diet ekstrem & nyeleneh di global
Pertama kali mencicipi Salad Jepang

Makan ala prasmanan
Hindari makan di warung atau restoran yang membolehkan pengunjung merogoh sendiri porsi makanannya. Sebab cara makan ala prasmanan ini jelas menghasilkan seseorang kesulitan mengontrol porsi dalam skala masuk akal.

Waktu makan
Pelajar atau mahasiswa acapkali melewatkan sarapan atau jadwal makan langsung dengan alasan padatnya jadwal kuliah. Padahal warung penjual masakan tersedia di pagi hari & bisa melayani bahkan sebelum jadwal kuliah dimulai. Jika nir ingin berat badan bertambah, sebaiknya patuhi jadwal makan tiga kali sehari secara rutin.

Selain melewatkan makan, kebiasaan ngemil jua identik dengan para pelajar & mahasiswa sembari belajar. Memang agak susah menghilangkan kebiasaan yang satu ini. Namun cara terbaik buat mengatasinya ialah mengganti jenis kudapan yang lebih sehat mirip butir-buahan.

Makan malam
Pelajar & mahasiswa jua kerap nongkrong dengan teman-teman mereka hingga larut malam. Terjaga hingga tengah malam ini jua diikuti dengan kebiasaan makan yang nir sehat. Jika nir ingin mengalaminya, kurangi jadwal nongkrong & hindari mengonsumsi masakan berat di tengah malam.

Tugas kuliah yang menumpuk tak pelak menghasilkan mahasiswa & pelajar menjadi stres. Cara gampang mencegah gejala ini ialah dengan rutin berolahraga & mengonsumsi masakan sehat. Jadi segala macam tantangan yang berasal menurut sisi akademis bisa dihadapi dengan gampang.

Pada awalnya, kebiasaan tersebut di atas mungkin relatif susah dilakukan. Namun jangan hingga menyerah sebelum berusaha ya! [riz]

Monday, November 6, 2017

Makeup TipBeautiful Eyes

Eyes have been called the windows of the soul bearing in mind the assertion that the how such a lot they speak. Eyes furnish your face readily available and individuality. They do now not must be a undeniable measurement or form to be thought to be a bit - all eyes have their personal authentic elegance. When makeup is applied to look typical it will bring out the eye's desirable kind color and build up the eye's elegance. When you feel pleasant about your makeup you will be more optimistic and may presumably in all danger have one less thing to be troubled about.

A refined software program of eyeliner, shadows and mascara work together to create magic and make your eyes look their most productive.

Eye Shadow

Eye shadow is meant to spotlight and outline the eyes. Eye shadow is used to create depth to bring out the elegance of the eyes. A dark color used on the lid will make the eye prove up smaller, similtaneously a lighter color will make it prove up bigger. That is what eye shadow is about creating illusions. These are the fundamental methods for the next eye shapes:

Small eyes: Don't use too such a lot shadow or liner - it will make you eyes look smaller. Apply a lightweight color on eyelid, use a darker color in the crease and use a highlighter beneath the brow.

Large eyes: Wear darker shadow on the lid and prolong it to the crease. Use a flat color beneath the foreheadto spotlight.

Deep-set eyes: Use light colors on the eyelid and beneath the brow. Use a medium color in the crease. Emphasize the outer corners with shadow.

Wide-set eyes: Use darker colors on the interior corners of the eye.

Hooded eyes: Apply light colors on the lid. Use darker colors from the core of the eyelid to the outer corners and mix.

Round eyes: Make round eyes longer by utilizing color all around and increasing toward the outer corners.

Asian eyes: Apply highlighter beneath the brow. Use light shadow on the interior part of of the lid and a darker color on the outer part of.

1. Light colors cause the eyes to open, dark colors will cause the eyes to recede

2. If you have very light pores and skin sidestep dark sun shades

3. Be careful with shimmer - they will bring standing to imperfections and wrinkles.

4. The eye vicinity is the first to prove age don't tug on the pores and skin.


Eyeliners are supposed to outline the eyes so that they must necessarily still do simply that, now not be the focal facet of your makeup. Eyeliners come in an superb deal of colors and bureaucracy liquid, pencil and so forth. Keep the eyeliner typical. Pencils may presumably be stumbled on in many colors (for the principle productive look stick with black or brown) and may presumably be sharpened for a fine line. For a smudged quit result use a sponge tip shadow applicator or an eye fixed shadow brush. When your pencils are too refined refrigerate them. When they are too now not easy soften them by holding them between your fingers.

To line the eye, start up on the lessen lid, simply beneath the lashes. When you are finished constantly smudge the road with your sponge. Stay as close to to the lash line as probable. On the higher lid, draw a line form the interior corner to the outer corner, thickening the road toward the outer corner. After the age of forty limit the road in between the lashes.

Mascara and the advent of shocking lashes:

Mascara frames your eyes and can make your face come alive. Mascara softly accentuates the eye similtaneously thickening and darkening the lashes; it is the finishing touch for eyes. There are a abundant form of danger fashions to decide from, thickening, and waterproof to smudge proof. Waterproof will desire a distinguished remover and smudge proof will wash off easily. It is now not a respectable idea to wear waterproof mascara for extended periods of time because it has an inclination to dry the lashes.

Select a shade of mascara that enhances your coloring. Dark sun shades on pale eyes with brown lashes will darken them and may presumably in all danger look harsh. Stay away from blues and other colors since they will ruin your look.

Lashes that may be now not easy to curl may presumably also desire the alleviation of an eyelash roller. Curl your lashes in the previous than you apply mascara - hold for ten to twenty seconds.

To apply mascara look straight into your replicate with your chin a little bit of lifted so that you simply could see your lashes. Insert the wand most amazing as soon as and twist, don't pump. Pumping can break the brush bristles and distribute the mascara unevenly and may presumably in all danger dry out the mascara quicker. Start by rolling the wand from root to tip in an upward action. Reinsert the brush and apply all over again. If your eyelashes are thick and long they may presumably also clunk together. If this happens let them dry after which separate them with the corner of an eyebrow brush.

Friday, November 3, 2017

I Got Transformed Into KPop Star CLBeauty EvolutionRefinery29

CL is a part of a group called 2NE1
and I - that was my first introduction to that group. K-pop has consumed
my life on many different levels. Ill wake up in the morning and
Ill watch YouTube videos of any like new K-pop performances that Ive missed. I love CL because I read an interview
of hers maybe a couple of years ago where she talks about being a role model
for a lot of younger Asian women who look up to her.

She mentioned that,
you know, a lot of people are sort of afraid to kind of come out of their shells
and fully represent themselves as like this creative, human, expressive being. Shes trying to encourage these younger
women to sort of embrace that. If I were to meet CL, I would ask her if
we could be friends, because I think shes so cool. Before we get into it, dont forget
to subscribe down below.

In this first look, CL is performing with
2NE1 during Iggys Best New Band Concert in 2011. It is reminiscent of one
of her looks in the I Am The Best music video from her outfit to her hair. It is a distinct look from early on in
her music career. For her eyes, she has winged out

CLs hair is pulled into a long dramatic
ponytail and she has a full set of bangs. For her lips, she has a nude gloss. Okay. Yayyy- OH MY GOD.

WHAT THE- I do look like a completely - AAHHHHH. This doesnt look like me. Oh my god. I like the, the eyes.

Ive never had this hair color
before, so its kind of fun. Oh my god. Woo. The second look is from a
Tiffany T Launch Party in 2014.

CL is a few years into her music career. She is starting to experiment more
with her look. For her makeup, she has sharp long
wings with a little bit of black shadows smudged on her lower lash line. She has platinum blonde hair that is
braided together in a side fishtail.

The look is finished with a glossy red lip. WHAT?!? This is so crazy. Oh my gosh. This is one I feel like it could be a
different version of me.

I look like a rich housewife. You guys really outdid yourselves. My hair looks good. I feel fancy, fancy and famous.

Woohoo. Bye-bye. This last look is from New York
Fashion Week in 2016. This look is what CL is known for
today, where she has pursued more of a solo career and released her own singles
such as, Hello Bitches".

Her makeup is very intense. Her eyelids have a base of bronze eyeshadow
with an intense black wing on top. Her base is more contoured than
previous looks. As seen in her singles, she is rocking
teased out grey hair.

And on her lips, she has a vampy berry lip. Waaa. WOAH! Now I really look famous. This is good guys.

I feel like this is like an actual
K-pop star look I think for me. My hair is really cool, and my
makeup is bomb.Com. The first one I felt like a shock to
the system maybe, because it was my first transformation. And the second one I felt like a
rich mom, which was great, cause thats me in the future.

This one is my favorite one. I feel like this one is the most me. I feel like Im ready for my debut
as a K-pop star. I feel like, transformed.

Ive evolved. Thanks for watching. Let us know what you want to see
next time in the comments down below. To subscribe to Refinery29s YouTube
channel, click here, and to watch more videos, click here..

I Got Transformed Into KPop Star CLBeauty EvolutionRefinery29

Saturday, October 28, 2017

DIY Beauty Hacks Every LAZY PERSON Should Know! Morning Routine Life Hacks for School!

Sveiki, a Natalie ir a viena i tinginiu merginu. Aba bulv , pakelk ranka jeigu tu tinginys ....A didiuojuosi! Duok itam video "patinka" I'm going to show you my go to lazy girl life hacks, for when you're in school running late, and all that jazz! Palauk!!!!! A darau didel konkursa kur vienam laimingajam prenumeratoriui padovanosiu "Canon" kamera" Tesiog prenumeruok ir tapk dalimimi eimos ir viskas. Tai lengva. A jums duodu k duoti itam video 300,000 .

Patinka"js veikete kiekviena k Tad, a duodu ik tau ijungti i ito  ita spausdamas apaioje nykio mygtuka . Bet a turiu didelia reklama Yesenia kad iri mano video. Ai jums labai. Jeigu nori reklamos kitame mano video tesiog komentuok apaioje.

Grotels praneimu grup, ira irinksiu viena i jsu prie 30 minuiu kai video filmuojamas. Bk tikras, kad nofikacijos ijungtos paspauk maa varpel ia. Paspausk. Nebk toks tinginys! Pridk mane instagram'e nes a irgi darau didel konkursa.

Kur a dovanoju savo mgstamiausius savo produktus. O dabar einame  video. Jeigu tu labai vluoji Talk about that beauty sleep. No problem A turiu patarima tau! Greitam sutaisymui pabandyk naudoti leda, kad tu atrodytum labiau pabudusi labai lengva groio hack'a pads atgaivinti tavo poakius  alta vanden.

Irgi pads atsikelti And it feels super refreshing on the skin you can also use this hack to help make your pores look smaller If you apply it on your nose area as well Another quick Beauty hack with ice is to use it to numb your eyebrows Why might you know those brows? Well when it comes to tweezing them every hair is felt And it's painful instead rub some ice where you plan on plucking and bam! You won't feel a thing I always find that this helps me when I'm running late and still want those brows to look presentable Because the less I feel pain the more I can shape them. And now that your brows are all set well, it's time for uh your hair Yep, this is the reality and if you're super lazy when it comes to hair and quite Honestly your skill level is zero in hair skills no worries I gotcha a simple way to do a quick cute braid is to well cheat it or in this case hackify it. Instead of worrying about how to create a braid here's a quick DIY one section your Hair into two pieces and then all you're gonna Do is just twist and if you do this tightly enough you will notice your hair It will almost look like a braid. I personally love this look because it's more effortless and unique and super simple Alright, let's be beautify this face a little bit of eye shadow right here, okay well For a quick everyday smokey eye Here's a fun trick take your favorite eyeliner in the shade that you want your eyeshadow to be and you're gonna create a hashtag yep hashtag natification squad draw this one both on your eyelids and for some reason This is the perfect shape to be blended into a smoky eye.

Then with fluffy brush blend the hash tag in circular motions This will remove any of the hashtags harsh edges so that it looks smooth and smoky then apply your everyday makeup And you're all set a trustworthy Beauty hack that will never fail you These nails well I have some spare time to do them, I feel like sparkle alright, let's add some glitter. Let's add a topcoat Mmm. That's not really shiny enough alright Let's add another one What this doesn't even work to get the most out of your glitter polish use any sponge of your choice. And then strangely apply a coat of glitter to that sponge I know weird right? The sponge will gather all the glitter so that when you apply it onto your fingernail it will transfer it with All the glitter instead of having to add multiple coats and waiting in between I usually only need to place the glitter on sponge two Times before it's a majestic gloriousness of glitter then add a topcoat and there you go a little sprinkle of glitter to your everyday UGH I'm feeling hungry, but I don't really want to clean any dishes Mom's always telling you to clean after you're done eating breakfast, so do I eat and clean, or do I not eat But stay hungry well in situations like this you don't have to settle get some plastic wrap and literally wrap that around your dish now you can do whatever you want with the Comfort and a peace of mind that you won't need to spend your precious last minutes to go to school washing dishes Talk about it life-changing hack But curling your hair can take a bit of time trust me I know Instead here's a quick simple and effective hair hack when you're running late that will help you grab your hair up high in a ponytail And then using a curling wand this one is by Bellamy and collab with graveyard girl and split your hair into multiple pieces in this Case I'm doing four curl those four larger pieces And you'll be done with your entire hair in no time and when you take down your ponytail You'll have instantly beautiful and quick wavy hair So you want to be comfy every day, but you still want to look cute if your go-to fashion is sweatpants well, honey You don't have to replace style for comfort trust me.

I have fallen in love with jeggings Yes, leggings that look like jeans jeggings. They're so comfy stretchy they fit beautifully on any figure and honestly They look just like jeans tricks aside into thinking you dress up every day with the simple clothing hat Use this type of elastic to help you avoid messing up your hair and getting hair dents when you put it up in a ponytail Even after hours I find that this type of ponytails won't mess up and dent your hairstyles To take your everyday look and dazzle it up a little bit more Here's the fun makeup hack when it comes to eyeshadows some of them don't have much intensity and brilliance But if you'd like to up your eyeshadow look all you need is a visline line eyedrops Yep, a few eye drops on creamy shadows will help brighten them up Just make sure you stay away from doing this to matte eyeshadows as it won't work You'll notice the color payoff increases by a hundred percent making any dull eye shadow of yours stand out even more Here's a side-by-side comparison Of the eye shadows before and after we added the VIS Alliant eye drops to make this eye shadow so much more beaming And now you're ready to take on the day for the lips wait what are you doing instead of applying your lipstick first start by applying a creamy lip stain underneath for a Long-lasting day wear this will allow you to go throughout your day without so much maintenance and step two is to apply a normal lipstick You'll notice the dramatic wear test throughout the entire day, and now your lipstick and lip gloss can be popping all day long Hey guys, I would too lazy to start any work right now, and if you are, too I'll meet you in the next video over here by clicking right over here I show you some amazing DIY organizational hacks if you're a messy potato and lazy like myself I hope you enjoyed today's hack video if you did make sure you have a huge thumbs up subscribe right over here by clicking on my face I post new videos every Wednesday and Saturday Just make sure you have notifications turn on by clicking on this little bell that way I could see your face twice a week wouldn't You want to see my face twice a week come on? I want to see your face twice a week turn notifications on I hope you have an amazing day Don't forget to live weird or die normal I don't know what I'm doing with my shoulders, but something's happening am I feeling lazy or am I feeling productive. I don't know bye.

DIY Beauty Hacks Every LAZY PERSON Should Know! Morning Routine Life Hacks for School!