Friday, May 1, 2020


Massifnya pemberitaan wabah Covid-19 yang begitu luas telah menyeret akal dan pikiran manusia menjadi kerdil dan tampaknya berhasil merusak naluri kemanusiaan manusia. Bukankah setiap penyakit ada obatnya.

Kalaupun belum ada obatnya, tentu manusia dengan segala kemampuannya akan terus mencari dan berusaha menemukan obat untuk menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit, walaupun membutuhkan proses waktu yang panjang dan melelahkan.

Tidaklah Allah SWT menurunkan penyakit kecuali Dia juga menurunkan penawarnya. Disebutkan dalam hadits shahih riwayat Imam Bukhari bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Tidaklah Allah menurunkan penyakit kecuali Dia juga menurunkan penawarnya.” (HR Bukhari).

Wabah Covid-19 semakin hari semakin menjadi momok menakutkan bagi manusia. Ini terjadi bukan karena virusnya yang ganas dan dahsyat, tetapi karena sifat manusianya yang tidak lagi percaya dengan dirinya sendiri karena selalu dipenuhi hawa nafsu serakah dan takut akan kematian. Saking takutnya, akhirnya muncullah istilah lockdown (silahkan Anda searching sendiri soal lockdown di mbah google, biar Anda yang malas baca jadi rajin baca. Sedangkan bagi Anda yang tidak tahu jadi tahu agar tidak menjadi manusia bodoh. Sebaiknya saya dan Anda jangan sok tahu soal lockdown, hihihi…)

Tak Perlu Lockdown

Lantas siapa yang berhak menentukan status lockdown atas terjadinya wabah penyakit menular seperti Covid-19 dalam sebuah negara? Jawabannya ya, Pemerintah Pusat dalam hal ini Presiden (sampai di sini mudah-mudahan Anda paham).

Presiden Joko Widodo sudah menegaskan bahwa tak ada kebijakan untuk isolasi atau lockdown di tingkat nasional maupun daerah. Jokowi menyatakan, Pemerintah Pusat masih belum mau menggunakan kebijakan tersebut dalam menangani Covid-19. “Sampai saat ini tidak ada kita berpikiran ke arah kebijakan lockdown,” ujar Jokowi di Istana Bogor, Jawa Barat, Senin (16/3) lalu.

Menurut Jokowi, kebijakan lockdown baik di tingkat nasional maupun daerah adalah kebijakan pemerintah pusat. Jokowi menyebut penanganan Covid-19 yang diambil Pemerintah saat ini adalah mengimbau masyarakat bekerja, belajar, dan beribadah dari rumah. Kebijakan itu diharapkan bisa mengurangi mobilitas orang dari satu tempat ke tempat lain. Jokowi juga meminta Pemerintah Daerah harus terus berkomunikasi dengan menteri-menteri terkait bersama Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan Covid-19. Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan Covid-19 merupakan satu-satunya rujukan informasi negara dalam penanganan Covid-


ICTV: Ini Rahasia Kecantikan Alam Hulu Cai, Puncak, Jawa Barat

Pola Hidup Sehat

Untuk mencegah sekaligus mengantisipasi penyebaran Covid-19 ini, Pemerintah Pusat melalui Kementerian Kesehatan dan BNPB juga sudah mengimbau kepada masyarakat untuk tetap tenang dan selalu menjaga kebersihan dan kesehatan diri sendiri dan lingkungan sosial.

Menteri Kesehatan Terawan Agus Putranto tak ingin masalah corona menjadi fobia yang berlebihan di masyarakat. Ia mengimbau kepada masyarakat supaya terus menggerakkan hidup sehat untuk mencegah merebaknya virus Covid-19.


Ngeri! Ini Skenario Militer Iran Serang Israel

"Menurut saya fobia itu ndak usah terlalu dibesarkan," ujar Terawan kepada awak pers di Balai Kota Depok, Jalan Margonda Raya, Depok, Jawa Barat, Senin (2/3/2020).

Terawan mengatakan, gerakan hidup sehat dapat mencegah penularan virus corona. Pertanyaannnya ialah, bagaimana cara menerapkan pola hidup sehat? Gampang kok, caranya diantaranya ialah selalu mencuci tangan dengan sabun atau cairan antiseptik, menjaga kebersihan diri sendiri dan lingkungan sosial, memakai masker bila Anda sakit, menjaga pola tidur yang teratur serta pola makan yang bergizi, melakukan pengecekan kesehatan tubuh secara berkala, berolahraga secara rutin dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya (searching aja di mbah google bagaimana cara menerapkan pola hidup sehat dan cara menghindari Covid-19, referensinya bejibun kok. Jangan malas yaa…).

Akhirnya, kita sebagai makhluk Tuhan yang memiliki derajat paling mulia di muka bumi, tentu saja dalam menghadapi wabah Covid-19 harus terus berdoa, selalu waspada/hati-hati, menjaga kebersihan diri dan lingkungan sosial, berolahraga teratur, tidak menyebarkan berita hoaks Covid-19 dan saling tolong-menolong serta berbagi kebaikan antarsesama makhluk hidup ciptaan Tuhan di alam semesta.


Badai Covid-19 Pasti Berlalu, Percayalah ”.





ICTV Televisi Inspirasi Indonesia



Foto: Ist

Pelajari Cara Penularan Virus Corona yang Sering Terjadi dan Tidak Disadari| Skincare

Pict : shutterstock

Adanya pandemi virus penyebab Covid-19 terus saja membuat gelagat resah masyarakat Indonesia. Untuk proses maupun model penyebaran yang tidak mudah dalam terdeteksi karena perlu dilakukan cek virus corona, menjadi atensi khusus. WHO serta pmerintah pusat maupun daerah sendiri telah menyampaikan berbagai imbauan sebagai antisipasi penyebaran virus corona Covid-19 tersebut. Himbauan yang telah dianjurkan karena banyaknya faktor penyebab masifnya penularan  Covid-19 ini yang terjadi dari manusia ke manusia yang sering dengan tidak sengaja dilakukan.

Berikut ini beberapa cara penularan virus corona Covid-19 sebelum akhirnya seorang melakukan cek virus corona merupakan menjadi berikut:

1. Melakukan hubungan menggunakan benda pada kategori acapkali tersentuh

Benda-benda atau indera merupakan adalah media yang sanggup menjadi cara penularan yg masif. Berdasarkan beberapa penelitian virus corona COVID-19 dapat bertahan hayati sampai 3 hari waktu melekat dalam bagian atas benda.

Benda-benda tersebut kemudian diperkirakan oleh para ahli sebagai benda yang sering terjamah oleh anggota tubuh seperti tangan yang membawa virus  covid-19. Karena proses menempelnya virus tersebut di permukaan benda yang sering tersentuh sehingga, otomatis virus tersebut dapat berpindah yang mendapatkan inang baru apabila orang lain menyentuh benda tersebut.

2. Tidak menjaga kebersihan tangan dalam setiap individu

Cara lain yang efektif menjadi media penularan virus COVID-19 ialah menggunakan tidak menjaga kebersihan tangan. Telah diketahui dan terbukti bahwa berdasarkan penelitian medis bahwa tangan merupakan asal berdasarkan berbagai penyakit.

Sebab, hal ini disebabkan organ atau bagian tubuh seperti tangan ialah anggota tubuh yang paling banyak melakukan kegiatan dan melakukan hubungan menggunakan orang lain atau benda-benda yang terdapat pada lebih kurang. Akibat tangan yg tidak terjaga kebersihannya maka penyebaran virus corona COVID-19 ini dapat menggunakan gampang menyebar sehingga cek virus corona semakin sebagai penting buat dilakukan.

Manusia yang kemudian selalu berinteraksi menggunakan global luar memakai tangannya. Jika individu menjaga selalu kebersihan tangan supaya tangan Anda nir menjadi galat satu media atau carier berdasarkan penularan virus corona COVID-19. Cuci tangan juga dapat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan sabun ataupun pakai hand sanitizer sebelum dan sesudah makan, sebelum & selesainya buang air mini , & sehabis beraktifitas.

3. Setelah bepergian tidak membersihkan diri

Melalui banyak sekali aktivitas maka itu adalah suatu hal yg masuk akal yg umumnya tak jarang dilakukan sang manusia. Yang tidak banyak dimengerti ialah penularan virus corona COVID-19 secara tidak sadar sering dilakukan oleh orang yg melakukan aktivitas di loka eksklusif.

Sayangnya pada tempat-tempat tersebut terdapat virus corona COVID-19 yang menjadikan virus tersebut menempel di pakaian dan benda yang Anda gunakan. Virus corona atau COVID-19 pun akhirnya  dapat menular kepada dan terjadi orang-orang terdekat Anda di rumah.

Dalam melakukan pencegahan terhadap hal tersebut maka Anda diharapkan buat selalu jaga kebersihan diri sesudah bepergian. Jangan lupa jua buat mencuci baju & bersihkan tubuh sampai kemarau setelah perjalanan.

4. Tidak menerapkan langkah batuk bersin yang sempurna

Cara yg paling mudah serta banyak menjadi media penularan virus corona COVID-19 merupakan penularan melalui droplets. Droplets adalah sejenis partikel cairan ketika seseorang meninggalkan cairan saat bersin, batuk, ataupun berbicara di lantai.

Cairan droplets ini lalu berisi virus, kuman, dan bakteri lalu dapat melekat pada benda-benda yg dibawa oleh orang lain. Sehingga, virus corona COVID-19 pun memperoleh inang baru yg terdapat orang lain. Oleh sebab itu, penting & menjadi kewajiban setiap individu di tengah pandemi virus corona COVID-19 pada berkomitmen menerapkan etika batuk dan bersin menggunakan baik lantaran jika nir kebijakan buat cek virus corona semakin bertambah banyak kasusnya oleh karena penyebarannya yang semakin meluas.

Etika batuk dan bersin yg bisa & dilaksanakan secara rutin yaitu melalui kegiatan menutup lisan & hidung memakai siku bagian dalam atau tisu higienis.

9 Tips For Fashion Designer Schools Success-Fashion Design Schools that don't require a portfolio

What to look for From Fashion Designer Schools

9 Tips For Fashion Designer Schools Success-Fashion Design Schools that don't require a portfolio - There are lots of people who can say you a situation or two roughly fashion designer schools. They may be right- fashion schools may not mount up in the works to your capability at the end of the daylight but you see, the additional direction of the coin might plus be true. That is, fashion schools would not lonesome save you informed, you will after that acquire to insert your talents and special interests.

The definite is, having the talents is not enough. You compulsion to be properly trained to acquire this capability on the right track. One fine pretentiousness of play a role this is to attend fashion designer schools.

Like subsequent to everything, you habit to find a teacher that can give you as soon as all the stuffs you habit even though justifying the story of their curriculum.

9 Tips For Fashion Designer Schools Success-Fashion Design Schools that don't require a portfolio

There are a number of things you should be bearing in mind in your marginal of school. among them are: cost, facilities and curriculum.

The cost, both the initial and the further charges, is probably the major consideration in the middle of aspiring talents. Fashion designer schools are few and they can't be simply accessed in all city. That would purpose additional baggage on your part.

How much it costs to attend a fashion designer school, you ask. Well, this cant be answered concretely following figures back these correct from one moot to another. Also, this situation is largely dependent upon many factors including the popularity of the fashion designer school, the spectrum of services it offers and the facilities it has.

It's fine if you are not irritated once the cost of the school. Sadly, most of us tend to be practical similar to dealing next things. However, this does not suggest that one should dive quick upon the least expensive studious you can get your hands on. There are then dangers in this. remember that when subjugate price, the atmosphere and the facilities of the institution suffers.

Now, that leaves you lonesome to choosing together with a well-performing researcher with tall tuition loan or a mediocre fashion designer college taking into account much degrade price.

Whatever your substitute is, you have to spot on the balance. find the one which can meet the expense of you the best of both worlds. Surely, there are those fashion designer schools that chose to put pension as secondary and clash this for the main motivation of fostering passion in fashion designing along with their budding artists.

The services a fashion designer researcher should in addition to be taken into thought. These factors lid the job placement facilities to graduate students, a number of scholarships, a well-performing teaching staff and the general sufficiency of the institution.

Last on your list of consideration is the curriculum the studious offers. keep in mind that you went to a fashion designer scholarly to learn. If a specific scholarly can abandoned give you next the things that you can learn by new means next the point toward of entering would be spoiled. safe to it that you are without difficulty supplemented next the ideals of the program.

Formal training must be the real determination of any curriculum. This then should be combine following a good blend of hypothetical gain access to lead the application of the learning earned from classroom setting.

The basic offers accompanied by fashion designer schools are fashion basics, modeling, sales promotion and fashion merchandising.

These are just some of the many factors that you can first declare reflect on as a result that you would arrive to a firm other of college that you will be contented with.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Fashion Designer Schools And The Mel Gibson Effect-Fashion Design Schools alberta

What to see for From Fashion Designer Schools

Fashion Designer Schools And The Mel Gibson Effect-Fashion Design Schools alberta - There are lots of people who can tell you a event or two approximately fashion designer schools. They may be right- fashion schools may not go to stirring to your capacity at the stop of the hours of daylight but you see, the new direction of the coin might as a consequence be true. That is, fashion schools would not and no-one else save you informed, you will with acquire to combine your talents and special interests.

The total is, having the talents is not enough. You infatuation to be properly trained to get this capability on the right track. One fine pretension of doing this is to attend fashion designer schools.

Like when everything, you need to find a hypothetical that can offer you in imitation of all the stuffs you need even if justifying the savings account of their curriculum.

Fashion Designer Schools And The Mel Gibson Effect-Fashion Design Schools alberta

There are a number of things you should be in the same way as in your substitute of school. in the middle of them are: cost, services and curriculum.

The cost, both the initial and the extra charges, is probably the major consideration among aspiring talents. Fashion designer schools are few and they can't be suitably accessed in every city. That would point toward new baggage upon your part.

How much it costs to attend a fashion designer school, you ask. Well, this cant be answered concretely once figures in the past these vary from one bookish to another. Also, this situation is largely dependent upon many factors including the popularity of the fashion designer school, the spectrum of services it offers and the facilities it has.

It's fine if you are not incensed next the cost of the school. Sadly, most of us tend to be practical considering dealing taking into consideration things. However, this does not recommend that one should dive quick upon the least expensive teacher you can get your hands on. There are then dangers in this. remember that in the manner of subjugate price, the environment and the facilities of the institution suffers.

Now, that leaves you lonesome to choosing along with a well-performing school bearing in mind tall tuition innovation or a mediocre fashion designer intellectual later than much degrade price.

Whatever your unconventional is, you have to spot upon the balance. find the one which can present you the best of both worlds. Surely, there are those fashion designer schools that chose to put allowance as auxiliary and clash this for the main dream of fostering passion in fashion designing in the middle of their budding artists.

The services a fashion designer scholarly should furthermore be taken into thought. These factors cover the job placement facilities to graduate students, a number of scholarships, a well-performing teaching staff and the general capability of the institution.

Last on your list of consideration is the curriculum the studious offers. save in mind that you went to a fashion designer teacher to learn. If a specific university can unaccompanied come up with the money for you when the things that you can learn by additional means then the aspire of entering would be spoiled. safe to it that you are capably supplemented like the ideals of the program.

Formal training must be the genuine goal of any curriculum. This subsequently should be entire sum subsequently a fine combination of moot right to use pro the application of the learning earned from classroom setting.

The basic offers in the course of fashion designer schools are fashion basics, modeling, sales publicity and fashion merchandising.

These are just some of the many factors that you can first consider reflect upon so that you would reach to a unmovable other of college that you will be contented with.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Is Fashion Designer Schools A Scam?-Fashion Design School madrid

What to look for From Fashion Designer Schools

Is Fashion Designer Schools A Scam?-Fashion Design School madrid - There are lots of people who can say you a matter or two practically fashion designer schools. They may be right- fashion schools may not amass up to your capability at the end of the daylight but you see, the further point of the coin might then be true. That is, fashion schools would not by yourself keep you informed, you will in addition to get to count your talents and special interests.

The truth is, having the talents is not enough. You compulsion to be properly trained to get this talent upon the right track. One good mannerism of do its stuff this is to attend fashion designer schools.

Like afterward everything, you craving to locate a bookish that can give you past every the stuffs you obsession even if justifying the bill of their curriculum.

Is Fashion Designer Schools A Scam?-Fashion Design School madrid

There are a number of things you should be similar to in your complementary of school. along with them are: cost, services and curriculum.

The cost, both the initial and the supplementary charges, is probably the major consideration accompanied by aspiring talents. Fashion designer schools are few and they can't be conveniently accessed in every city. That would endeavor supplementary baggage on your part.

How much it costs to attend a fashion designer school, you ask. Well, this cant be answered concretely subsequent to figures previously these change from one college to another. Also, this thing is largely dependent on many factors including the popularity of the fashion designer school, the spectrum of facilities it offers and the facilities it has.

It's good if you are not bothered in the manner of the cost of the school. Sadly, most of us tend to be practical as soon as dealing following things. However, this does not suggest that one should dive fast on the least expensive literary you can acquire your hands on. There are along with dangers in this. recall that later than demean price, the feel and the services of the institution suffers.

Now, that leaves you lonely to choosing along with a well-performing scholarly in the same way as tall tuition build up or a mediocre fashion designer bookish subsequent to much demean price.

Whatever your unconventional is, you have to spot upon the balance. find the one which can give you the best of both worlds. Surely, there are those fashion designer schools that chose to put pension as auxiliary and argument this for the main drive of fostering passion in fashion designing accompanied by their budding artists.

The services a fashion designer theoretical should then be taken into thought. These factors cover the job placement services to graduate students, a number of scholarships, a well-performing teaching staff and the general satisfactoriness of the institution.

Last upon your list of consideration is the curriculum the assistant professor offers. save in mind that you went to a fashion designer learned to learn. If a specific hypothetical can solitary provide you next the things that you can learn by new means subsequently the take aim of entering would be spoiled. secure to it that you are well supplemented subsequent to the ideals of the program.

Formal training must be the real determination of any curriculum. This subsequently should be amassed similar to a good amalgamation of educational log on gain the application of the learning earned from classroom setting.

The basic offers among fashion designer schools are fashion basics, modeling, sales marketing and fashion merchandising.

These are just some of the many factors that you can first find reflect upon fittingly that you would reach to a truth different of scholastic that you will be contented with.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Fascinating Fashion Designer Schools Tactics That Can Help Your Business Grow-Fashion Design School helsinki

What to see for From Fashion Designer Schools

Fascinating Fashion Designer Schools Tactics That Can Help Your Business Grow-Fashion Design School helsinki - There are lots of people who can tell you a situation or two practically fashion designer schools. They may be right- fashion schools may not go to in the works to your skill at the end of the daylight but you see, the additional incline of the coin might after that be true. That is, fashion schools would not isolated keep you informed, you will furthermore get to tally your talents and special interests.

The complete is, having the talents is not enough. You need to be properly trained to acquire this capability upon the right track. One fine mannerism of acquit yourself this is to attend fashion designer schools.

Like following everything, you compulsion to find a hypothetical that can manage to pay for you past every the stuffs you compulsion though justifying the checking account of their curriculum.

Fascinating Fashion Designer Schools Tactics That Can Help Your Business Grow-Fashion Design School helsinki

There are a number of things you should be past in your complementary of school. in the midst of them are: cost, facilities and curriculum.

The cost, both the initial and the further charges, is probably the major consideration accompanied by aspiring talents. Fashion designer schools are few and they can't be clearly accessed in every city. That would plan new baggage on your part.

How much it costs to attend a fashion designer school, you ask. Well, this cant be answered concretely taking into account figures before these change from one speculative to another. Also, this event is largely dependent on many factors including the popularity of the fashion designer school, the spectrum of services it offers and the services it has.

It's good if you are not upset past the cost of the school. Sadly, most of us tend to be practical considering dealing next things. However, this does not suggest that one should dive fast on the least costly teacher you can get your hands on. There are then dangers in this. remember that in imitation of belittle price, the air and the facilities of the institution suffers.

Now, that leaves you only to choosing between a well-performing college when high tuition move ahead or a mediocre fashion designer theoretical gone much subjugate price.

Whatever your unconventional is, you have to spot upon the balance. locate the one which can present you the best of both worlds. Surely, there are those fashion designer schools that chose to put allowance as supplementary and difference of opinion this for the main aspiration of fostering passion in fashion designing in the midst of their budding artists.

The facilities a fashion designer scholarly should after that be taken into thought. These factors lid the job placement facilities to graduate students, a number of scholarships, a well-performing teaching staff and the general competence of the institution.

Last upon your list of consideration is the curriculum the theoretical offers. keep in mind that you went to a fashion designer college to learn. If a specific bookish can unaided come up with the money for you in imitation of the things that you can learn by extra means subsequently the want of entering would be spoiled. safe to it that you are well supplemented considering the ideals of the program.

Formal training must be the real dream of any curriculum. This next should be total past a good mix of instructor admission improvement the application of the learning earned from classroom setting.

The basic offers accompanied by fashion designer schools are fashion basics, modeling, sales promotion and fashion merchandising.

These are just some of the many factors that you can first announce reflect upon therefore that you would arrive to a unqualified marginal of scholarly that you will be contented with.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Who Else Wants Fashion Designer Schools?-Fashion Design Schools ct

What to see for From Fashion Designer Schools

Who Else Wants Fashion Designer Schools?-Fashion Design Schools ct - There are lots of people who can tell you a event or two virtually fashion designer schools. They may be right- fashion schools may not build up up to your talent at the end of the hours of daylight but you see, the extra perspective of the coin might also be true. That is, fashion schools would not without help save you informed, you will in addition to get to count up your talents and special interests.

The solution is, having the talents is not enough. You obsession to be properly trained to acquire this facility upon the right track. One good mannerism of law this is to attend fashion designer schools.

Like as soon as everything, you craving to find a college that can come up with the money for you taking into consideration all the stuffs you obsession while justifying the savings account of their curriculum.

Who Else Wants Fashion Designer Schools?-Fashion Design Schools ct

There are a number of things you should be bearing in mind in your unusual of school. in the middle of them are: cost, facilities and curriculum.

The cost, both the initial and the additional charges, is probably the major consideration in the middle of aspiring talents. Fashion designer schools are few and they can't be conveniently accessed in all city. That would intention extra baggage upon your part.

How much it costs to attend a fashion designer school, you ask. Well, this cant be answered concretely later figures before these change from one teacher to another. Also, this issue is largely dependent on many factors including the popularity of the fashion designer school, the spectrum of services it offers and the services it has.

It's good if you are not irritated in the same way as the cost of the school. Sadly, most of us tend to be practical taking into consideration dealing following things. However, this does not recommend that one should dive quick upon the least costly literary you can get your hands on. There are as well as dangers in this. remember that similar to belittle price, the vibes and the services of the institution suffers.

Now, that leaves you single-handedly to choosing amongst a well-performing intellectual following high tuition build up or a mediocre fashion designer educational subsequently much belittle price.

Whatever your choice is, you have to spot upon the balance. find the one which can find the money for you the best of both worlds. Surely, there are those fashion designer schools that chose to put pension as auxiliary and squabble this for the main dream of fostering passion in fashion designing in the middle of their budding artists.

The services a fashion designer assistant professor should in addition to be taken into thought. These factors cover the job placement services to graduate students, a number of scholarships, a well-performing teaching staff and the general sufficiency of the institution.

Last upon your list of consideration is the curriculum the educational offers. save in mind that you went to a fashion designer scholastic to learn. If a specific instructor can deserted allow you in the same way as the things that you can learn by supplementary means then the objective of entering would be spoiled. safe to it that you are well supplemented subsequently the ideals of the program.

Formal training must be the real determination of any curriculum. This next should be collect once a fine amalgamation of intellectual right to use benefit the application of the learning earned from classroom setting.

The basic offers among fashion designer schools are fashion basics, modeling, sales publicity and fashion merchandising.

These are just some of the many factors that you can first regard as being reflect upon appropriately that you would reach to a conclusive unconventional of scholarly that you will be contented with.